
Human Capital

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Safety in Numbers: Considering the Rationale for and ROI of Psychological Safety
"Doing the right thing, in every aspect of business, leads not only to success, but fosters excellence and creates industry leaders." - Peter Georgescu   A Modest Introduction  A Flare for the Dramatic  In 2017, Peter Georgescu published "Doing The Right Thing is Just as Profitable," an article in Forbes that detailed how "the most ethical and just American companies […]
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Avoiding Unconscious Bias (MindTools)
Avoiding Unconscious Bias is no easy task. And it is not necessarily always negative, but evolutionarily speaking, can add significant value. So how should we navigate this in our world and workplace? The. IndTools team gives us a brief history and good guidelines to figure out how. MindTools - Avoiding Unconscious Bias
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When Employees Think the Boss Is Unfair: They're More Likely to Disengage (HBR)
Sylvia Ann Hewlett, Ripa Rashid, and Laura Sherbin deliver this important Harvard Business Review article designed to bring data to what might appear obvious: equity in the workplace matters. For those interested in supporting transparency and equitable leadership, this is an important article. HBR - When Employees Think the Boss is Unfair, They're More Likely Disengage
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Manage Your Mindset by Understanding These 3 Levels of Threat (NLI)
Cliff David from the NeuroLeadership Institute helps to structure Levels of Threat as they relate to Mindset (Level 1 - Broader Environment; Level 2 - Localized or "Nearby"; Level 3 - Imminent Threat). NLI - Manage Your Mindset by Understanding These 3 Levels of Threat
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